Bioenergetics Testing

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What is Bioenergetic Testing? 

If you have ever gone to the doctor only to be told your labs look fine, while KNOWING something is off we understand your pain and frustrations.  You leave the appointment feeling disappointed, defeated, and hopeless.  
What is bioenergetics?  It’s vastly different from any other traditional testing you might be familiar with, which is why so many people are now turning to it as their first stop versus their last ditch effort.  Bioenergetic testing is the evaluation of a bioenergetic field, which is cell biology and chemistry of energy that flows through living systems.  We all have a measurable biofield, and when physical stressors impact us it also impacts the health of our biofield.  This information is incredibly powerful.  This energy that flows throughout systems can be measured and recorded, which is what we call bioenergetic testing or bioresonance testing.  Imagine where biology and physics come together to form another modality to evaluate the health of this biofield.  When you think about energy, you might also be thinking about Albert Einstein’s famous quote, “Everything in life is Vibration”.  Vibration produces a wave or ripple.  A strong vibration is high energy, whereas a weak vibration is low energy.  So how can we correlate this to measuring one’s biofield?  Think of the trillions of cells that make up your body.  Each of these cells contain atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.  Protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge, and electrons are negatively charged.  With positive and negative charges there will be constant movement within the atom creating a vibrational pattern.  The vibrational pattern as a whole makes up someone’s biofield.  Within bioenergetic testing you can look at the biofield as a whole, or you can break it into small categories and look specifically at different vibrational patterns within the whole, such as the resonance specifically of the liver, heart, and thyroid for example.